Intro to Python Scripting in Rhino

Sequence: Intro to Python Scripting in Rhino

Sequence Summary:

This sequence introduces various techniques using Python scripting in Rhino Grasshopper.


Rhino is an extremely popular CAD software used in many industries including architecture. It is popular for its versitile modeling engine and support for different types of geometry including curves, surfaces, solids, and meshes. Grasshopper exposes Rhino's functionalities at a lower level and allows users to put together "definitions" that automate certain processes within the software. By using Python, we can get even deeper access to Rhino and accomplish things we could not with Grasshopper alone. In this sequence, you will get an introduction to the various Rhino and Grasshopper API's (Application Programming Interfaces) you can access with Python, and will learn how to work with Rhino's geometry types and different types of data.


  • Accessing the Rhino Libraries in Python
  • Working with geometry in Python